Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blog Stage 4

   Immigration Shouldn't be all in the Family is an editorial published on March 28, 2017 by the Editorial Board of USA Today which focuses on the "types of immigrants" Trump wants to allow in the United States. The authors bring up the fact that Trump has made numerous poor decisions when it comes to the faith of our country, however his new policy actually seems to be a reasonable request. When addressing Congress the president proposed a merit based system for legal immigration, rather than a family based one. The authors state that today's system for immigration grants visas for those who have relatives in America, which isn't allowing for the "best" immigrants to gain access into America. Trumps overall plan is to trim family immigration and increase the amount of immigrants being selected for visas through employment qualifications. In my opinion I disagree with the Editorial Board although they maintain a great amount of credibility due to the fact that their all experienced journalist, I feel that they fail to realize that many immigrants could maintain both qualifications. A immigrant could have a family and a reliable job, so would the number of the family based system vary from the merit based system?

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